Our “Murder on the Bayou” Murder Mystery Night on April 12 at Pheasant Run Resort was a huge success! The house was packed with over 70 supporters in attendance. The event had a unique St. Charles-themed twist, as the plot focused on the dealings of the will and estate of actual St. Charles resident Herbert Crane (1861-1943) and his family.
Foodie Fest 2019: Rockin' on the Rooftop
Celebrate Preservation Month with Community Events and Programs
The month of May is designated as National Historic Preservation month, and the St. Charles History Museum will be holding a variety of events and programs in recognition and celebration of the occasion. “This Place Matters” is a national campaign by the National Trust that encourages people to celebrate the places that are meaningful to them and to their communities.
Fact vs. Fiction: The Story of John Farnsworth and Local Civil War Era Figures
Researching the Underground Railroad can be incredibly frustrating at times, as we often run into dead ends due to the scarcity and secrecy of sources. The abolitionist movement was a dangerous cause to stand with, especially to those that were actively helping escaped slaves. Leaving behind evidence of abolitionist activity could have been deadly back then, and now makes research and finding the cold hard truth difficult.
Make Your Next Event a Historic One by Renting the St. Charles History Museum
January 2019 Annual Shutdown Recap
For the third year in a row, we temporarily closed our doors to the public in order to complete important projects around the Museum. Over the four weeks, we had nearly 30 helpful volunteers contribute their efforts. While there are still projects to be finished, January 2019 Shutdown was a complete success!